About Us

Mbiyu Muhia and Associates is a locally initiated Audit and consultancy firm. The firm is registered by the Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Kenya under the provisions of the Accountants Act No. 15 of 2008. The firm head office is strategically located in Thika town Murang’a Farmers Building and has a satellite office in Nairobi.

With our skilled and experienced staff, we provide a comprehensive range of business solutions and where expertise is not available in-house, we have partnered with carefully selected associates so as to make MMA a one-stop shop for financial advisory. We continue to invest in and develop our staff and resources so as to build the capacity to serve our clients even better.

Through its dedicated team of professional, the firm provides accountancy and business advisory services to a wide range of clients including;

  • Manufacturing and trading
  • Co-operatives
  • Non governmental organizations including Religious institutions
  • Public sector
  • Banking sector
  • Law and other professional firms
  • Property & Investment Companies
  • Pharmaceutical and medical Institutions
  • Hospitality and leisure
  • Agriculture (including horticulture and floriculture)
  • Engineering and construction
  • Transport and communication
  • Educational institutions
  • Investment companies
  • Retirement benefit schemes
  • Small scale traders and Jua Kali sector


To delight our client with world class accountancy and business advisory services


To remain the dependable Centre of Professional Excellence in the region


Professional excellence in everything we do.


We shall endeavor to promote and maintain the following values:-

  • Promoting excellence in financial reporting
  • Providing value adding services to our clients
  • Preserving integrity and image of the firm
  • Promoting good corporate governance
  • Establishing links with other institutions
  • Respect to our clients and their staff
  • Social responsibility
  • Godliness in all dealings